Report from the engine room of CrowdSwap I


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In the last two weeks there have been some far-reaching changes in the CrowdSwap project. First, we are constantly working on improvements to the app itself, which is currently already available in beta version at and can of course be used. In the beta version, there are also no additional fees for our best-price routing.

But back to the highlights: First, CrowdSwap’s swap app has been significantly improved once again and is now on par with the usability of the best-price search app. Further improvements at this point are planned in the area of token selection: Not only will more tokens be whitelisted and the display of these significantly improved, in the future the management of tokens will also become easier.

In addition to the clear display of the tokens to be traded, you will also always receive an overview of the fees and incidental costs of the swap. Small but subtle improvements always contribute to better usability. If you have any comments, please submit them via Telegram or Discord. We are always happy to receive constructive feedback.

Are AMMs better than decentralized order books?

CrowdSwap has always been committed to transparency in the price/cost jungle. Therefore, it is also obvious that we are looking for more solutions to offer token swaps to our users at a lower cost than via AMMs.

AMMs are no longer necessarily the best choice when it comes to liquidity exchanges in the DeFi sector for several reasons. In addition to the fees incurred by LPs, AMM-based transactions can also be easily exposed to attacks. See MEV Protection!

CrowdSwap aims to provide MEV Protection on the Swap App and explore other swap options that secure benefits of our users. Currently we are analyzing the possibilities of creating a decentralized order book that accepts limit orders and only executes them if there is a match. This means that no transaction costs are incurred when an order is created. These are only due when the order is actually filled. This then results in a transaction on the blockchain of the respective network. Using this approach, the fees of LPs of min. 0.3% can also be significantly reduced. For LPs, on the other hand, this approach eliminates the so-called “impermanent loss”. Large order volumes can be executed at low slipage conditions, similar to OTC trading of the central exchanges. Most order matching will be P2P or ring trades, which are inexpensive to map.

So there are a lot of new topics coming up for CrowdSwap. Feel free to discuss these and other topics with us on Discord. We’ll keep you posted on this and other topics. 

In the last two weeks there have been some far-reaching changes in the CrowdSwap project. First, we are constantly working on improvements to the app itself, which is currently already available in beta version at and can of course be used. In the beta version, there are also no additional fees for our best-price routing.

But back to the highlights: First, CrowdSwap’s swap app has been significantly improved once again and is now on par with the usability of the best-price search app. Further improvements at this point are planned in the area of token selection: Not only will more tokens be whitelisted and the display of these significantly improved, in the future the management of tokens will also become easier.

In addition to the clear display of the tokens to be traded, you will also always receive an overview of the fees and incidental costs of the swap. Small but subtle improvements always contribute to better usability. If you have any comments, please submit them via Telegram or Discord. We are always happy to receive constructive feedback.

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